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Marbellys 1

In October 2015 Marbellys Bayne-Azcarate was diagnosed with Neuroendocrine Cancer just two days after she had completed a half marathon.  She has since undergone major surgery to remove the tumours from her small intestine as well as having a lot of tumours removed from her liver.  Marbellys will continue to need treatment to manage and control the cancer.

To mark NET Cancer Day on November 10th, Marbellys is running 10 miles between her two local hospitals (Bournemouth and Poole) to raise awareness of NETs and to raise money for PLANETS and the NET Patient Foundation.  Marbellys will be running in zebra print clothing – the zebra is associated with NET Cancer due to doctors being taught in medical school the phrase ‘when you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras.  NET Cancer is a rare cancer, awareness is poor, even within general medical practice and so NET Cancer Day use the zebra in their logo to remind us that sometimes the zebra option should be considered.

Would you like to support Marbellys in her admirable challenge?  Marbellys route is available to download here – would you like to run a section with her?  Please get in touch if you do!  Or perhaps you could just stand on her route and cheer her on?

Marbellys Route

Marbellys Route

If you would like to sponsor Marbellys, the link is as follows:

Good luck Marbellys, we are with you every step of the way!

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